How long will it take the average programmer to make a website?

It could take a few minutes or several years.

If you want a site like those proposed on Wix, you can do them in minutes. As you want more features, each feature can take time.

If you give the text, images it takes less time than if you expect the programmer to write and find your images.

The same for the style.

The best way to know is first of all:

How much do you want to spend? Then the programmer will offer a solution according to the budget.

For example: for me … trying to make a site fast for me… a site like

of woodworking took me 3 or 4 weeks (without writing the articles)

The 2nd sit

⭐️⭐️ of whale… – of whale… took me about 1 and a half week. (But if a client asks for me something similar it’s a budget of 2 weeks as the site is mine. )

A site like – took me 3 or four days and I should finish it.

Generally, for web sites of software development, there are 3 variables

  • How much will you pay?
  • How should the product be?
  • When would it be finished?

For a software or web project be a reasonable project, you have the right to set 2 of them, whichever you like. And the programmer sets the other.

Any other alternative is only imagination and desire.

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